32 Lorne St, Wellington Central
Dr Navin R Vithal BSc (Hons), Biochemistry BDS
Dr Kevin Yang BDS
Tel: 04 801 6228
Find a Wellington dentist here.
32 Lorne St, Wellington Central
Dr Navin R Vithal BSc (Hons), Biochemistry BDS
Dr Kevin Yang BDS
Tel: 04 801 6228
Level 2, Kelvin House, 16 The Terrace
Jeffrey R. Annan BDS (Otago),
Dip Clin Dent, FADI, FICD
Jeffery J. Booth BSc, BDS (Otago),
FRACDS, Dip Clin Dent
Gavin J. Cho BDS (Otago)
James E. Talbot BSc, BDS (Otago),
FDS RCS (England), MSc (London)
Laura Ichim BDS with Distinction (Otago) FRACDS (GDP)
Tel: 04 472 5516
Ground Floor, Solnet House
70 The Terrace, Wellington
Tel: 04 472 3102
David Corcoran BDS DIP. Clin Dent MScAGDP MPDC (RCSEd)
Charlotte Cocks BDS MScAGDP (Birm)MPDC (RCSEd)
Lucy McGowan BDS (Eng)
Level 2, Featherston House,
Cnr of Featherston and Waring Taylor Sts
Tel: 04 978 4964
Chris Seaton BDS
Kamil Tinawi BDS
Kristen Reid BDS
Email: reception@citydentists.co.nz